
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Kally is Cancer Free and Charging Full Steam Ahead!

I know my diehard fans have been keeping up with my postings on my Facebook timeline during this whirlwind last four weeks. For those who aren't on Facebook (and for those reading this via Goodreads), it's been two weeks since my surgery and I just wanted to report that I am cancer free and recovering slowly. 

To update those not aware of the situation, over the summer, I noticed some irregular spotting. I've been in menopause for several years and learned there is NO reason to be spotting at this point in life, so I hightailed it to my gynecologist in August. She ordered an ultrasound the same day which showed abnormalities in the size of the lining of my uterus and scheduled me for the D&C, which was done Sept. 4. On Sept. 13, I got the news that it was uterine cancer and I was sent to the state's research hospital to meet my gynecological oncologist Sept. 17.

I had hoped to postpone surgery until after KallypsoCon (Oct. 10-12 in the Seattle area), but my surgeon and my hubby decided that was too long a wait. When the poor surgeon came back in the examination room to find me in tears, he offered to do the surgery the next day if he could get an operating room, then I would have three full weeks to recover before KallypsoCon. He told me I'd be sore, but that it was do-able as long as I followed his orders (basically walking up and down the aisle of the plane and taking my nightly anti-blood-clotting shots.) I think he also could see my healing would be faster if I wasn't depressed about missing my first KallypsoCon! 

Tomorrow (Oct. 3), we will give final counts to the hotel for the meals. If you want to join us in Everett (it's about 45 minutes from downtown Seattle) for this special weekend, here's the info page: KallypsoCon 2014. (NOTE: We are now serving two dinners and two breakfasts instead of what was listed as meals on the Web site originally. I figured I'm already in the hole, so why pay the hotel for ballroom/meeting fees when we can get some nice meals for that money instead <g>).

Today it has been two full weeks since my total abdominal hysterectomy. Still sore. Still tired. Situation normal, I am told. I'm thrilled to know that all of the cancer that attacked my body is now gone. I truly am blessed and urge you all to PAY ATTENTION to your body's signs and to your intuition. It was a combination of those factors that saved me from having to undergo more extensive treatments than having a hysterectomy. My cancer was contained in my uterus and the surgeon said it hadn't traveled from anywhere else. (Oncologists have ways of determining that. I just trust them.) So, I can truly say I am a Uterine Cancer Survivor!

Tonight I'm going to book flights for my hubby and me so that we will be in Everett, Wash., a couple days before the conference is scheduled to begin. I'm so fortunate to have an awesome personal assistant, Charlotte Oliver, handling almost everything for me regarding this conference (among other things). I also chose some really awesome authors to be there with me (Lexi Blake / Sophie Oak, Eliza Gayle, Annabel Joseph, Kennedy Layne, Red Phoenix, and Cherise Sinclair). They and their entourages will also be a great help to make sure all goes smoothly so that I can disappear for naps when needed and to make sure I don't life more than 10 pounds, per surgeon's orders. 

Even if you don't want to do the full weekend, consider coming to the public signing 2-5 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 11, at the Holiday Inn Downtown Everett. Lots of cool swag to give away, as well as some door prizes. If you're on Facebook, you can RSVP at this event site. Otherwise, just comment below and we'll be watching for you!

My husband, who will accompany me at KallypsoCon--only to be there for me. He REALLY doesn't want to be around for BDSM demos and such. But I think the Dom who will be doing the demos will do such a fabulous job. Luckily, that's only one evening out of the whole weekend, so mostly it will be book talk, games, a book signing, and just readers and authors hanging out and enjoying each other's company. 

I've been home about 9 days now and have just been lazing around, popping pain killers, watching TV (I discovered Once Upon a Time!), and reading both for fun and to learn some new tricks for marketing.

Now for an update on Nobody's Dream (Luke & Cassie's story). Book five in the Rescue Me Saga was in the hands of beta readers and five of my editors these past two weeks (while I was incapacitated physically and mentally) but the files have been coming back and Charlotte has been putting beta suggestions into a master file for me that I plan to open up tomorrow. Then I'll start going through my editor's files. Not sure how this will go. I get tired very easily still, but I'm anxious to get back to work. As long as I don't overdo it, I think it can't hurt anything. 

I still have some unwritten chapters and scenes to do, too. That will be harder than incorporating minor changes. While I had a target publication date in mind before all of this cancer stuff, that date seems daunting right now. So I am just going to take it one day at a time and see how quickly I can get the book into line edits and then proofreading. I still want to do a preorder for it, as well. I am still expecting a fall release date, just not as early as once anticipated maybe. To make sure you don't miss out on announcements, you can sign up for my newsletter OR my phone text alert (US cell phones only):

Newsletters will be used to impart much more news than the text alerts. The latter will be used to announce preorder status, then the actual release when it goes live, but nothing else. 

Before I go take a nap, I just want to thank everyone who sent prayers, healing thoughts/energy, and virtual hugs to me while I went through this unexpected ordeal. I know I had it easier than most cancer survivors (surgery alone and my fucking cancer was gone). My thoughts and prayers are with all who are still in the trenches kicking their own cancer's ass.


  1. Hooray, Hallelujah, and God Bless!!!!!
    pearls at Inner Goddess

  2. Glad to hear you're doing well. These things never happen at a convenient time! But then cancer is never convenient. Hope your first conference is a smash hit!

    1. KallypsoCon was all I dreamed of and more--and every who came to meet and hand out with authors and other readers of a subgenre they loved said it was the best they'd ever attended. (And they told the first-timers not to expect this kind of face-time and intimacy at other cons.) So, I am very happy I went. I know I healed just by being there!


  3. Fantastic news, Kally! I'm so glad you didn't put off getting yourself checked. Keep feeling better and hope you have a blast at KallypsoCon!

    1. I'm glad, too! My symptoms were hardly noticeable and didn't last more than a couple days, but I still trusted my gut and got it checked out. I've heard from four others since my very vocal PSA about it who have since gone to the doctor (or taken their loved ones with similar symptoms) so I know it was right for me to be very public about it.



  4. OMGosh! I feel so out of the loop. I had no idea you were sick. I'm so happy for you! I guess I've been reading and reviewing your books since forever but never followed your blog. I get newsletters and don't recall seeing anything about his. I'm so sorry. What a terrible fan I am. I'm just happy to hear the great news. You rock!

    1. I guess I'm not following my blog very well either! I did send out two newsletters in December and one in early November, though, so they may be hitting your spam folder. You might want to make sure they are marked as "not spam."

      And more good news! In December, I released NOBODY'S LOST, which was a surprise for all of us. It's a novel about Megan Gallagher (Adam's newfound sister) and Ryder Wilson (who appeared in Masters at Arms as Wilson on the rooftop attack in Fallujah). This one's different from any others I've written--it could stand alone for new readers and doesn't include as much interaction with the main "Rescue Me Saga" characters, BUT it also is very important to those continuing the series that they read this one before NOBODY'S DREAM (the long-awaited book about Luke & Cassie--as well as Adam & Karla and Megan & Ryder) comes out in March.

      If you want to check to be sure you are on my subscription list, you can try to sign up again at my web site and it will tell you if the e-mail address you enter is already on the list. And if you're in the States, we also offer text alerts now. Just go to and look in the lower left side of the main screen for a box to sigh up for both newsletter and text alerts. (Text alerts ONLY go out to announce a new e-book or print book being available.)

      Thanks so much for stopping by, Carrie!

